Research Interests
Bioinformatics with a focus in database construction for storage of large
datasets and their subsequent exploration.
Ecology of yeasts in aqueous
environments, especially characterization of medium- to long-term trends and
conditioning factors.
Yeast detection and fast identification techniques.
Current Projects
Conceptual optimization of ARDRA for fast yeast
identification purposes (not funded), in collaboration with Dep. de Informática.
pipeline development for homology and evolution characterization at genomic
level (not funded).
and management of a database for data resulting from epidemiological studies
of Group A Streptococci (GAS) (not funded).
de leveduras como bio-indicadores de poluição em ambientes estuarinos e
costeiros" (POCI/MAR/58130/2004), participation.
Recent publications
Almeida, J.M.G.C.F.
(2005) Survey of the Yeast
Community Survey in Tagus Estuary, FEMS Microbiology Ecology (in press).
Gadanho MJ., Almeida,
J.M.G.C.F., Sampaio JP.(2003) Assessment of yeast diversity in a marine
environment in the south of Portugal by microsatellite-primed PCR, Antonie van
Leeuwenhoek 84: 217–27.