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About CREM








The Centre for Microbial Resources (CREM – Centro de Recursos Microbiológicos) is a R&D unit housed in the Department of Life Sciences (DCV - Departamento de Ciências da Vida), of ‘Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia/Universidade Nova de Lisboa – FCT/UNL’ and funded by the ‘Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia’, the governmental organisation for Science and Technology. In 2007 it was rated Very Good. It has researchers [PhD holders] of two institutions of UNL: FCT and IHMT.

CREM is an R&D Unit committed to research in areas of microbiology, with the general objectives of contributing to the advancement of fundamental knowledge, with a view to its potential application in biomedicine, fermentative industries and agro-sciences.
The research is developed in two major lines: "Molecular Evolution and Ecology" and "Microorganism-Environment Interactions"

CREM houses the Portuguese Yeast Culture Collection (PYCC), an internationally recognised yeast collection that provides support to research.


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