Álvaro Fonseca
Álvaro Fonseca
BSc 1984
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
MSc 1988 Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
PhD 1996 Universidade Nova de Lisboa
CREM, Dep.
Ciências da Vida (DCV)
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre
2829-516 Caparica
TelephoneNº: (+351) 212 948
500; ext.11112
Biographical note
Á. Fonseca’s academic training started in the areas of chemistry (Chemical Engineering, Instituto
Superior Técnico - IST, Technical University of Lisbon, 1984) and biotechnology
(MSc in Biotechnology, IST, 1988). A major shift in his professional path
ensued from coming into contact with the field of microbiology during the
Masters’ course, particularly from the teachings of professors Madeira Lopes
and Nicolau van Uden. His research as Masters’ and later PhD student at the
Microbiology lab of the Gulbenkian Institute of Science, as well as his lecturing
activities at the Biotechnology Unit (now Department of Life Sciences) of
FCT/UNL, deepened his insight into the world of microbes in general, and of
yeasts in particular (PhD in Microbiology, FCT/UNL, 1996), and fed his growing
passion for the wonders of microbial diversity, evolution and ecology. Current
research interests lie in the areas of fungal molecular systematics and
ecology, and of molecular genetics of sex in fungi. |
Research Interests
My research work in recent years has focused mainly on fungal molecular systematics
and ecology. Particular interest has been given to the biology and
classification of yeast-producing basidiomycetes, particularly within the
Tremellomycetes (Agaricomycotina). Another topic of research was the exploration
of yeast diversity and the dynamics of yeast populations in poorly explored
habitats such as the phylloplane. Other recent work involved the use of
molecular methods to reassess species delimitation of dimorphic ascomycetous
fungi belonging to the phytoparasitic genus Taphrina.
More recently a new line of research aims to characterise the genomic regions
that determine sexual identity and control sexual reproduction (MAT
loci) in dimorphic basidiomycetes, viz. members of the genus Rhodosporidium
(Sporidiobolales) and tremellaceous yeasts closely related to Cryptococcus
neoformans, and to understand their evolution. Collaboration on the
latter topic was recently established with the Heitman lab at Duke University
Medical Center (Durham, NC, USA). My other scientific interests
lie with fungal molecular phylogenetics and phylogenomics.
Current Funding
- 2011-2014: Project “A novel molecular approach to uncover sex and
population structure in tremellaceous yeasts closely related to Cryptococcus
neoformans”, PTDC/BIA-MIC/113051/2009, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; PI
- 2010-2013: Project “LUSOEXTRACT: Descoberta de novos compostos naturais com propriedades terapêuticas
isolados de ecossistemas portugueses únicos”, QREN programme “Sistema de incentivos à investigação e
desenvolvimento tecnológico em co-promoção”, Project AdI nº 13107, headed by
the biotech company Bioalvo SA; Co-promoter and member of the research team
Selected publications
Á. Fonseca* and M.G. Rodrigues. 2011. Chapter 73. Taphrina Fries. In C.P. Kurtzman, J.W. Fell & T. Boekhout (editors), “The Yeasts, a taxonomic study”, 5th edn. Vol. 2 (ISBN: 978-0-123-84707-2). Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 823-858 (doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-52149-1.00073-2)
Á. Fonseca* and J. Inácio. 2011. Chapter 93. Lalaria R.T. Moore emend. Á. Fonseca. In C.P. Kurtzman, J.W. Fell & T. Boekhout (editors), “The Yeasts, a taxonomic study”, 5th edn. Vol. 2 (ISBN: 978-0-123-84707-2). Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 1291-1298 (doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-52149-1.00093-8
Á. Fonseca*, T. Boekhout and J. W. Fell. 2011. Chapter 138. Cryptococcus Vuillemin. In C.P. Kurtzman, J.W. Fell & T. Boekhout (editors), “The Yeasts, a taxonomic study”, 5th edn. Vol. 3 (ISBN: 978-0-123-84868-0). Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 1661-1737 (doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-52149-1.00138-5)
T. Boekhout*, Á. Fonseca, J.P. Sampaio, R.J. Bandoni, J.W. Fell and K.J. Kwon-Chung. 2011. Chapter 100. Discussion of teleomorphic and anamorphic basidiomycetous yeasts. In C.P. Kurtzman, J.W. Fell & T. Boekhout (editors), “The Yeasts, a taxonomic study”, 5th edn. Vol. 3 (ISBN: 978-0-123-84868-0). Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 1339-1372 (doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-52149-1.00100-2
J. Inácio, W. Ludwig, I. Spencer-Martins, and Á. Fonseca*. 2010. Assessment of phylloplane yeasts on selected Mediterranean plants by FISH with group- and species-specific oligonucleotide probes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 71: 61-72.
L.B. Connell, R. Redman, R. Rodriguez, A. Barrett, M. Iszard and Á. Fonseca*. 2010. Dioszegia antarctica sp. nov. and Dioszegia cryoxerica sp. nov., psychrophilic basidiomycetous yeasts from polar desert soils in Antarctica. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 60: 1466-1472.
K. Findley, M. Rodriguez-Carres, B. Metin, J. Kroiss, Á. Fonseca, R. Vilgalys and J. Heitman*. 2009. Phylogeny and phenotypic characterization of pathogenic Cryptococcus species and closely related saprobic taxa in the Tremellales. Eukaryotic Cell 8: 353-361.
M.A. Coelho, A. Rosa, N. Rodrigues, Á. Fonseca* and P. Gonçalves. 2008. Identification of mating type genes in the bipolar basidiomycetous yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides: first insight into the MAT locus structure of the Sporidiobolales. Eukaryotic Cell 7: 1053-1061.
Online publications:
J. P. Sampaio & Á.
Fonseca 2002. Dimorphic
basidiomycetes, an overview.
About CREM