Updated by Á. Fonseca - 19 December 2004
Tremellomycetidae / Note 07
Lineage: Hymenomycetes > Heterobasidiomycetes > Tremellomycetidae >Tremellales > mitosporic Tremellales > Cryptococcus’ (according to data in the paper by Takashima et al. IJSEM 2003 and to sequence comparisons made by A. Fonseca):
move AB035045 (currently under
Cr. laurentii) to Cr. aureus
move AB035050 (currently under
Cr. laurentii) to Cr. carnescens
move AB035047 (currently under
Cr. laurentii) to Cr. peneaus
Tremellomycetidae / Note 06
‘(...) Tremellales > mitosporic Tremellales > Bullera’:
move B. formosensis to ‘(...) Trichosporonales > Bullera’
move B. taiwanensis to ‘(...) Filobasidiales > mitosporic
Filobasidiales > Bullera’
Status: Implemented (19.12.03).
Tremellomycetidae / Note 05
Cr. nodaensis (Sato et al. 1999) has been considered a nom. inval. by
Takashima et al. (2003) – the rDNA sequences under that species name in
GenBank (AB016233, AB016234 and AF459668) are identical to those of Cr.
flavescens and should therefore be moved under the latter species.
Status: Implemented (19.12.03).
Tremellomycetidae / Note 04
Cr. laurentii synonyms - Moving of sequences (GB entries) in ‘(...)
Tremellales > mitosporic Tremellales > Cryptococcus’ (according to data
in the paper by Takashima et al. IJSEM 2003 and to sequence comparisons made by
A. Fonseca):
move AB035041 (currently under Cr. laurentii) to Cr. aureus
move AB035054 (currently under Cr. laurentii) to Cr. carnescens
move AB105431, AB105432, AB105433 (these 3 seq. correspond to the same strain
IAM 14487) and AB105437, AB105438, AB105439 (these 3 seq. correspond to the same
strain IAM 14506) (all currently under Cr. laurentii) to Cr.
move AB035042 (currently under Cr.
laurentii) to Cr. flavescens
move AF487885 (currently under Cr.
laurentii) to Cr. flavescens
move AY188361 (currently under Cr.
laurentii) to Cr. flavescens
move AJ555467 (currently under Cr.
laurentii) to Cr. flavescens
move AJ509857 (currently under Crypt.
sp. HB1043) to Cr. flavescens
move AB035051 (currently under Cr.
laurentii) to Cr. peneaus
Status: Partially implemented (19.12.03).
Tremellomycetidae / Note 03
Hymenomycetes > Heterobasidiomycetes > Tremellomycetidae >
Tremellomycetidae incertae sedis > Cryptococcus:
move Cr. watticus to ‘mitosporic Tremellales’
move Crypt. spp. HB946, HB953, HB1042, HB1048 and HB1052 to ‘mitosporic
Status: Implemented (19.12.03).
Tremellomycetidae / Note 02
According to data published in
Scorzetti et al. 2002 (FEMS Yeast Research) and Thomas-Hall & Watson 2002 (IJSEM
52:1033-1038) and despite the uncertain position of the clade that includes Cryptococcus
nyarrowii and Holtermannia corniformis we suggest that, for the time
being, the species/strains mentioned below should be moved as follows:
Holtermannia corniformis should be moved from Tremellomycetidae incertae
sedis to Tremellales > Tremellaceae.
Sequence AF360844 of strain CBS 8016 presently named Cryptococcus laurentii
should be renamed Cryptococcus sp. and moved out of Cryptococcus
laurentii but remain in Tremellales > mitosporic Tremellales.
Status: Implemented (07.01.03).
Tremellomycetidae / Note 01
Cryptococcus nyarrowii
and Cryptococcus sp. CBS 7712 should be moved from Tremellomycetidae incertae sedis
to Tremellales > mitosporic Tremellales
Status: Implemented (12.10.02).
Dimorphic Basidiomycetes design and icons copyright © 2002 J.P. Sampaio