Auriculibuller fuscus gen. nov., sp. nov. and Bullera
japonica sp. nov., novel taxa in the Tremellales.
Sampaio et al.
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 54: 987-993.
phylloplane yeast strains collected in the Arrábida Natural Park (Portugal) and
preliminarily identified as Bullera alba,
the anamorphic stage of Bulleromyces
albus, were investigated. Contrary to Bulleromyces
albus, these isolates produced a brownish pigment when grown on potato
dextrose agar. The pigment caused a darkening of the cultures and diffused into
the culture medium. Mating studies revealed that the Arrábida isolates did not
react with the different mating types of Bulleromyces
albus, but were sexually compatible among them and produced mycelium with
clamp connections, haustoria and transversally septate basidia that ejected the
basidiospores. The various taxonomic criteria evaluated during the present study
and the comparison with other sexual taxa of the Tremellales, indicated that
this teleomorph should be classified in a new genus. Therefore, the genus Auriculibuller
and the species A. fuscus (type PYCC
9648T) are
proposed. In addition, during the course of this investigation a new Bullera species, Bullera
japonica (type
4534T = CBS 2013T),
was found among collection isolates formerly identified as Bullera
alba. In a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the D1/D2 domains of the 26S
rDNA and the ITS, the two taxa were found to be closely related but distinct at
the species level.
Dimorphic Basidiomycetes design and icons copyright © 2002 J.P. Sampaio